About Us
Weed Junkiez goal is to crush the negative stereotypes and connotations around stoners. There's many misconceptions about marijuana and it's effects on our body. Here are some of the misconceptions we hope to change.
#1 Weed makes you lazy
We believe weed exposes a persons natural inclination to be lazy, not so much that it directly causes laziness itself.
#2 Weed makes you too forgetful to be productive
We think weed can cause lapses in memory - "where did I put my keys? Why did I walk into this room?" but we don't believe weed causes memory impairment to the point where you're unable to be a productive member of society.
#3 Weed is a gateway drug
The only thing weed is a gateway to is the refrigerator and pantry.
#4 Weed makes you stupid
While we may definitely feel a little silly after a nice J, weed most certainly does not make you stupid. After all, Carl Sagan was a daily smoker.
#5 Weed leads to crime and delinquency
I'm not even really sure where this misconception is coming from, but from personal experience weed makes many people more vigilant and less likely to perform crimes.
#6 Weed is an escape from reality
This one I wholeheartedly disagree with. Weed places us closer to reality. Our sensations are enhanced, we pick up on more subtle cues, and have deeper access to our mind. It's easy to get lost in a stoned daydream but rarely are you escaping your reality.
We believe in the responsible use of marijuana and its ability to enhance various aspects of human existence.
We're not here for long, we're simply renting space on this planet so enjoy that bowl while you can!
The Junkiez Team